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Unleash Your Inner Scientist: How to Safely Study Mushroom Spores at Home

The world of fungi is vast and mysterious, with over 140,000 species of mushrooms alone. Among these, some of the most fascinating are those that release spores into the air and can be studied at home without much equipment. But before you start exploring this fascinating world, it’s important to know how to do it safely. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to study mushroom spores at home and provide tips for staying safe along the way.

Sacred Mushroom Spores

Step 1: Choose Your Spore Print

The first step in studying mushroom spores is to obtain a spore print. To do this, select a mature mushroom that has gills. Use a sharp knife to cut off the stem close to the ground, then place the cap gill-side down on a piece of clean paper or glass surface, preferably in a box to prevent the spores from being disturbed by air currents. Leave it there overnight and check it in the morning. The spores should have fallen onto the paper or glass surface and created a spore print.

Step 2: Obtain a Microscope

If you don’t have one, you can purchase a microscope from a scientific supply store or online. A 400x to 1000x magnification is optimal for studying mushroom spores. While a compound microscope is preferred, a digital microscope works as well as long as it has the required magnification. Cheaper USB microscopes can also be found relatively easily.

Step 3: Collect the Spores

Using a sharp blade, carefully scrape a small amount of spores from the print onto a clean slide. Then carefully place a drop of clear water on the slide to hydrate it. After adding a cover slip, it’s time to study the spores.

Step 4: Study the Spores

Now that you have prepared your slide, it’s time to study the spores under the microscope. Focus on the spores and examine their size, shape, and color. Take notes and compare them with images of known mushroom spores. Confirm the identity of the mushroom by comparing your findings with those listed in a reliable identification guide.

Step 5: Clean Up

After you finish studying the spores, it’s important to take some cleaning precautions. Use a spray bottle to moisten the area where the spore print type is collected. This will help prevent the spores from becoming airborne and potentially causing allergic reactions. Then dispose of the mushroom in a safe and responsible manner. Wash your hands thoroughly and sanitize the tools and surfaces you used in the process.

Studying mushroom spores can be a fun and exciting hobby, but it’s essential to do it safely and responsibly. Remember to collect spores from mature mushrooms, (or purchase from reputable sources like Sacred Mushroom Spores) study them carefully under a microscope, and dispose of the mushrooms and cleaning equipment properly. With these precautions in place, you can unleash your inner scientist and discover the fascinating world of mushroom spores.

Non-Invasive Treatment for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be dealt with by means of non-invasive treatments such as: physical therapy, bracing (that offers stability to the joint), pain medication, injections, infusions and lifestyle adjustments. In case of arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs and ice can also be used. The former reduce the amount of swelling while the latter reduces stiffness in joints and post-exercise swelling. Nevertheless, neither can completely cure arthritis which causes pain, discomfort and immobility. It is an autoimmune condition usually characterized by swelling in the joints and cartilage damage as a result of inflammatory enzymes released into the body.

Phoenix knee pain treatment

The Latest Treatments

Moreover, the latest treatments include: genicular nerve block, ablation by means of injection and disruption of the pain signals from the nerves around the knee. Genicular artery embolization (GAE) is the most popular one due to its effectiveness and safety level. The duration of this medical procedure is less than two hours and the recovery period is shorter than what is necessary for open surgery. During the procedure, a catheter is directed from the groin to the knee’s blood vessels and small particles are injected to block the blood supply and reduce the inflammatory markers that trigger pain signals. Post-operative observation is kept to a minimum and motion is improved within weeks. Ultimately, GAE can be combined with injections to maximize the effect. Steroid injections can be used monthly and other types of anti-inflammatory injections (such as lubricants) can be administered twice a year. The patient can also benefit from knee gel injections (if covered by insurance). These are hyaluronic acid injections and they perform quite nicely when administered on a regular basis.

Strategies for Knee Injuries

For knee injuries, Phoenix knee pain treatment specialists recommend: weight loss, occupational and physical therapy or other strategies such as combined use of heat and ice or electrical nerve stimulation. Physical therapy, for instance, increases blood flow to the knee as well as the strength of the muscles supporting the knee and limiting its pain. It also stretches the muscles and maintains proper alignment of the joint in order to reduce pain.

Alternative Treatments

Alternative treatments include: artificial cartilage, laser therapy, stem cell treatment and PRP therapy. Therefore, patients can benefit from hydrogels that become a cartilage substitute or laser therapy that is not considered experimental by insurance companies. They can also benefit from stem cells harvested from their own bone marrow and programmed to form new cartilage to replace the damaged one. Lastly, injections with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) consist of platelets taken from the patient’s own blood and, then, spun and separated to have specific parts injected into the knee.


Alternative and even experimental treatments for knee pain are often highly effective, which is why patients can be very optimistic regarding the results of these therapies or procedures. Even though some of them are expensive and rarely covered by medical insurance, there are many options to choose from. There are also payment plans put into place for patients to access once they have done their diligent research. The main factor in alleviating pain is patience to find the type of treatment that will work for you and that you feel comfortable with choosing.

What Are Common Venous Issues Among Men?

PAD specialist near me

Circulatory problems and venous problems affect both men and women, the most common risk factors for both sexes being heredity, lifestyle and age. Here are some of the most common issues that affect the body’s veins and arteries in men.

Blood Clots and Thrombosis

Blood clots form when the blood in a vein or an artery thickens for some reason, usually because of an injury or because of a condition that affects the blood vessel’s elasticity and diameter. The formation of blood clots can affect any blood vessel, but the areas most commonly affected are the arteries that lead to the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and the brain and the major blood vessels that lead to the limbs, especially to the legs.

Thrombosis is a condition related to blood clots, too, a problem that occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood flow through the affected blood vessel either partially or temporarily. Depending on the affected blood vessel, thrombosis can be deep vein thrombosis that affects the extremities or the arteries leading to the body’s major organs or superficial thrombosis, affecting the veins close to the skin surface. According to a PAD specialist near me, while superficial thrombosis rarely leads to life-threatening conditions, deep vein thrombosis needs treatment right away to prevent severe health risks, such as pulmonary embolism, renal insufficiency, stroke or heart attack. Both types of thrombosis cause pain, swelling and heat in the affected area.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

The condition is slightly more common in men than in women and it is characterized by blood starting to pool instead of flowing from the limbs back toward the heart. The problem is most commonly caused by blood clots, posing a higher risk for those who have previously had deep vein thrombosis. In most cases, the symptoms develop gradually, over time and include muscle cramps, leg swelling, skin discoloration in the affected area, varicose veins and pain.

Varicose Veins

Many people think that varicose veins are more common in women, but that is only because in women, the problem affects the surface veins more, which makes the issue more visible. The truth is that men are just as affected by varicose veins as women, with the causes of the issue being the same, too: hereditary factors and physical effort, such as walking or standing too much. Varicose veins are very often just a cosmetic issue, but in more severe cases, the problem can cause pain, muscle cramping, swelling of the lower legs and itching around the affected veins.

Leg Ulcers

Leg ulcers are wounds that appear as the result of an injury or because of fluid build-up caused by poor vein function and that are unable to heal because of insufficient blood circulation in the affected area. Usually developing under the knee, leg ulcers tend to grow over time and even if they heal over time, they tend to come back again. Leg ulcers being open wounds, they pose an increased risk of getting infected, case in which the treatment and the healing becomes even more difficult and even lengthier.


The Most Common Treatments for Uterine Fibroids

uterine fibroids endovascular clinic newest treatments

Uterine fibroids are benign growths in the womb that might or might not cause symptoms, being often discovered during routine pelvic exam. The cause that leads to the appearance of fibroid is not fully understood, but specialists consider hormonal fluctuations to be the trigger. The symptoms of uterine fibroids are extremely varied, from irregular or very heavy and very long menstrual periods to pelvic pain and lumps in the breasts and from hot flashes and night sweats to frequent urination and backaches. While uterine fibroids are usually benign, they might interfere with the woman’s ability to become pregnant.

Uterine fibroids are usually considered treatable – here are some of the most common treatment options.

Watchful Waiting

The women who have asymptomatic fibroids usually do not need treatment. However, fibroids might start changing anytime, therefore regular visits to the gynecologist are very important for making sure that any modification in the size and the number of the fibroids is discovered in time and addressed properly.


The medication used for the treatment of uterine fibroids are intended to regulate the hormonal imbalances behind the problem, mainly targeting the restoration of the estrogen-progesterone balance or the shrinkage of the fibroids. Here are some options:

  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists – these medications block the production of estrogen and progesterone for a short time, discontinuing menstruation and putting the body into a state that is similar to menopause. During the treatment, the hormone supply to the fibroids will be cut, causing them to shrink and in some case, even to disappear completely;
  • Intrauterine devices that release progestin – these devices might help with the symptoms related to fibroids, but they do not make the fibroids shrink or disappear. The devices have contraceptive effects, therefore they prevent pregnancy;
  • Pain medication and help with heavy bleeding – these drugs help only with the symptoms related to fibroids, they do not cause them to become smaller or to disappear.

Surgical Treatment

There are several surgical methods used as fibroid treatment, selected based on the patient’s age, the size, number and position of the fibroids in the uterus and the patient’s intention to bear children in the future:

  • Uterine artery embolization – this method involves the injection of small particles into the arteries that supply the uterus with blood. The particles will cut off the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink or to disappear;
  • Radiofrequency ablation – this method also targets the blood supply to the fibroids through a laparoscopic or trans-cervical intervention;
  • Myomectomy – this surgical option involves the laparoscopic removal of the fibroids without removing the uterus;
  • Hysterectomy – the most radical treatment option of them all, hysterectomy involves the removal of the entire uterus.

Of all the surgical methods, hysterectomy is known to be the only permanent solution to uterine fibroids, but it is a major surgical intervention that ends the patient’ ability to bear children and induces menopause instantly. The results achieved through the other options might or might not be permanent – in many cases, uterine fibroids grow back and start causing problems again after a certain period, usually within a couple years after the intervention.  Find out the latest in uterine fibroid treatments through an interventional radiologist near me in Fort Collins for proven results.

Learn About What Oral Surgeons Do

Parker oral surgery

Oral surgery is a dental specialization that requires special training. An oral surgeon will typically spend 4 to 6 extra years as a resident in a hospital, learning how to treat various problems related to the tooth, jawbone, gums and soft tissues of the face.

The complete name of this dental specialty is oral and maxillofacial surgeon. This name of the profession is given by maxilla – the upper jaw of the face. This is one of the most important parts of the human face, since all the other bones in the face except for the lower jaw touch it.

What Kind of Training Does an Oral Surgeon Receive?

Given the complexity of the parts of the body they have to treat, oral surgeons need to become familiar with several medical specialties. Parker oral surgery specialists receive schooling and practical education in:

  • Anesthesia
  • Internal medicine
  • ENT (ear, nose, throat) medicine or otolaryngology
  • Emergency medicine
  • Plastic surgery.

That’s right, plastic surgery. If a patient suffers from congenital issues such as cleft palate or suffers extensive facial damage in an accident, a Parker oral surgeon will perform reconstructive surgery on them.

Types of Procedures Performed by an Oral Surgeon

Here are some of the typical medical procedures an oral surgeon performs:

  1. Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth (third molars) have a four-pronged root. Therefore, you don’t need any dentist, but an oral surgeon to extract them. In some cases, the extraction requires surgery and closing the extraction site with stitches.

  1. Installing Dental Implants

A dental implant is the most realistic looking tooth replacement option. It looks just like a tooth and is screwed in the jawbone. This kind of procedure is performed by an oral surgeon because it does involve a surgery to insert the screw in the jawbone. 

  1. Corrective Jaw Surgery

Some people suffer from misaligned jaws, which cause an overbite or an underbite. These issues are far more problematic than from the esthetic point of view. People with misaligned jaws have difficulty eating and speaking. In some cases, orthodontics can solve the problem. However, in other cases surgery is required to realign the upper and lower jaws.

  1. Facial Trauma Treatments

Facial trauma, such as being hit in the face with a blunt instrument or being involved in a car accident, destroys more than just your looks. Muscles, bones and nerves are damaged and you need a skilled oral surgeon to put everything back in place, reconnect tissue and help you heal and get back the full function and esthetics of the various parts of your face.

  1. Oncologic Surgery

Mouth cancer can lead to the development of large tumors that leave patients unable to eat and breathe properly. Oral surgeons have the skill and experience to identify the extent of these tumors and remove them as much as possible.

Finally, as we mentioned above, an oral surgeon will usually assist a plastic surgeon in facial reconstruction procedure. While one specialist focuses on esthetics, the other will ensure that the patient will have full function of the soft tissues, nerves and jaws after the surgery.

What Is Y90 Radioembolization?

Y90 procedure

A diagnosis of cancer is definitely the worst news one can get from the doctor. It is made even worse if the tumor is inoperable or poses special difficulties to traditional treatments, such as radiation therapy. Fortunately, modern technology has evolved in amazing ways and its role is to improve healthcare and give patients the option of a longer life and improved quality of life.

For patients suffering from liver cancer, the latest treatment available is called Y90 radioembolization.

What Exactly Is Y90 Radioembolization?

This Y90 procedure combines two types of treatments. First, we are talking about embolization. This modern medical procedure is minimally invasive. Instead of surgery, the doctor (called an interventional radiologist) will make a small incision to guide a hollow tube (a catheter) through the veins, using a MRI or other imaging technology to see inside the body.

The catheter delivers tiny particles that obstruct the blood flow to a certain area of the body, in this case the cancerous growth. In the case of Y90 radioembolization, these particles are microspheres filled with the radioactive isotope yttrium Y90. It delivers a powerful dose of radiation specifically to the tumor, without harming the healthy tissue around it.

Thus, Y90 radioembolization is an effective treatment course for liver cancer, when surgery to remove the tumor is not an option.

How to Prepare for Y90 Radioembolization?

If your doctor decides that you are eligible for the Y90 procedure, you will have to follow specific instructions. Among these:

  • Stopping any treatment with NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), blood thinners and aspirin a few days prior to the procedure
  • Removing all jewelry (including metallic piercings) before going to the hospital to have your procedure
  • Telling your doctor if you have allergies, are pregnant or breastfeeding and whether you had recent illnesses or have preexisting conditions
  • Listing any kind of supplements you are currently taking (including holistic and herbal cures).

At the same time, you will need to have someone drive you back home from the hospital after the procedure. You will also be instructed to restrict all contact with anyone (children and adults) for 3 to 7 days after the procedure.

What Happens during Y90 Radioembolization?

The interventional radiologist will start by performing an arteriogram – an image of your veins in the upper abdominal area. Next, an IV line will be inserted into a vein in your hand to deliver anesthetic. While some patients require general anesthesia, in most cases you will not need a breathing tube. Once you are anesthetized, the doctor will sterilize the area of your body where the incision will be performed and numb it with a local anesthetic.

Next, a small incision is made and a catheter is inserted in it, guiding it to the right place using the arteriogram for reference. Once the catheter is properly positioned, the doctor will inject the Y90 loaded microsphere. The radiation will be released towards the tumor during the next 2 weeks.

The doctor will remove the catheter and apply pressure to stop the bleeding at the incision area and apply a dressing. The procedure is over and it usually lasts one hour or less.

Examining the Risks and Dangers Involved with the Onset of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can involve a lot of risks you might not know about. Although most people dismiss it as a mere set of quick episodes that usually result in falling back to sleep and then sleeping through the rest of the night without a problem, the possible complications of the disorder and long term development of more dangerous forms of sleep apnea can be quite debilitating and scary at times.

Knowing about these potential issues is important, since it will give you a fighting chance to prevent them and to live a more normal and empowered life, even if you did start out with a relatively serious form of sleep apnea to begin with. You will want to discuss snoring treatment and other solutions to sleep disruptions with a sleep specialist as soon as possible.

Possible Complications of Sleep Apnea

As you might already have read, sleep apnea comes with a great many risks. Sometimes it can lead to prolonged episodes where the patient stops breathing entirely during sleep, or their airways are blocked and they can’t get a single breath out for an extensive amount of time. As opposed to the short episodes that don’t even wake the person up, these can have far more dire ramifications.

For starters, the obstruction of your airways can lead to lowering your levels of oxygen and causing problems with your heart and cardiovascular system. Elevated blood pressure and a greater risk of stroke and heart attack can ensue, along with the long term side effect of developing a disorder such as diabetes, heart failure or irregular heartbeat. Liver-related problems such as various fatty liver diseases could also appear, along with the risk of developing obesity. Finally, even milder forms of OSA can sometimes lead to death, if your oxygen levels are too low.

The Risks of Central Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea is far more dangerous than OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) for a variety of reasons. First of all, CSA results not from blocked airways, but from a failure of the respiratory system to comply with the brain’s signals to inhale. Even though the normal signal to inhale exists, in the case of patients suffering from CSA, the neurological feedback system that’s supposed to trigger the brain’s signals doesn’t respond fast enough, and the result is often the inability to inhale for a certain period of time, during sleep.

If these episodes last long enough, the result can quickly become critical, both because of the lack of oxygen being delivered to the body’s vital organs, and because of the combination of sleep apnea and the presence of other disorders such as epilepsy, in which case seizures can often be triggered by CSA episodes.

In some extreme cases, central sleep apnea can even be lethal. While seizures and cardiovascular events don’t always have lasting effects, and the onset of a disease like diabetes, which can arise from the presence of sleep apnea, is still not necessarily a huge problem, the most important issue arises when the patient is in danger of experiencing sudden death because of sleep apnea. The danger of sudden death arising from CSA is greater than in the case of OSA because of the main cause of the disorder.

What Questions Should I Ask Before Choosing An Oral Surgeon

Ask The Right Questions With Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Having to go through oral surgery is a major source of stress for most patients, therefore you need to make sure that the oral surgeon who will be performing your surgery is the best one in terms of professional knowledge and experience as well as a compassionate person who can understand your worries and calm you. Here are some of the questions that you should ask your surgeon before committing to the intervention.

Questions about Experience

It is very important to have a surgeon who is experienced in the type of intervention that you need. Oral surgery is a vast segment of the medical profession and no oral surgeon can be expected to be experienced in all types of procedures and interventions, that is why it is essential to find the specialist who is an expert in the treatment that you require. When talking to oral surgeons, ask them how many times they have performed the type of treatment that will be performed on you – the answer is very important for your final choice.

Questions about the Procedure

It is also very important to know what will happen to you during the intervention, so ask your doctor to walk you through the process from beginning to end. Ask about the type of anesthesia recommended, about how you will feel while under the effects of the drug, how long the procedure will take and what its steps are. You can also ask about how long it will take for the anesthesia to take effect and how long that effect will last, you can ask whether the wisdom tooth extraction Park Ridge doctor will use stitches and cuts, how long the intervention will take and how long you will have to rest in the doctor’s office before you can go home.

Questions about Dental Cleaning and Wound Care after Surgery

Most interventions performed by oral surgeons requires the patients to follow certain instructions regarding wound care and diet. After a dental extraction, for example, it is not recommended to consume any dairy products for a couple of days and you should pay increased attention to how you clean the wound area to prevent the loss of the blood clot that forms in the gap to protect the wound from infection. Ask the doctor to tell you about these measures and ask any questions that come to your mind – the doctor’s willingness to answer those questions will reveal a lot about how helpful and compassionate the doctor is as a person.

The Risks of the Surgery

Any surgical intervention entails risks and you need a doctor who is honest about the risks entailed by the type of procedure that you will go through.

The Costs of the Procedure

Many people are embarrassed to ask their doctor how much the intervention or treatment to be performed will cost, but the information is very important. Not all oral surgeons practice the same rates and you need to know exactly how much you will be charged before you choose your doctor and you schedule the intervention.

When to Get Treatment for Depression?

Therapists Can Help Change Unhappiness to Happiness

Everyone feels down and sad occasionally, but those feelings are usually of a short duration and in most cases, they are triggered by life events or situations that must be handled. Such difficult periods are not to be confused with depression, though – a condition that is a very common medical condition that can seriously affect the depressed person’s health and the life of the depression sufferer as well as the life of everyone around. Fortunately, depression can be efficiently treated, so here are the symptoms that indicate the need for medical treatment.

The Symptoms of Depression

One of the principle differences between a difficult and saddening period and depression is the time frame – if the dark thoughts and feeling persist for more than a couple of weeks and they seem to become worse, it might be a good idea to seek professional help.

Every person is different and every depression sufferer experiences different symptoms. The most common signs of depression include constant sadness, the loss of interest in activities that the person used to consider enjoyable, changes in appetite, otherwise unexplained weight gain or weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, difficulties focusing and concentration, intense feelings of guilt or shame and, in the most severe cases, thoughts of suicide.

How Depression Is Diagnosed

When someone turns to a medical professional with symptoms of depression, the doctor will first of all order specific tests, such as blood tests and other lab tests, to rule out physical conditions that can mimic the symptoms of depressions, such impaired thyroid function, brain tumor or a hormonal imbalance. If no such underlying conditions are found, the doctor will probably refer the patient to a therapist or to a psychiatrist.

The mental health professional that the patient turns to will start the treatment with talk therapy to reveal the most recent event that has triggered a depressive episode and to map the patient’s history of previous depressive events. After one or several talking sessions, the specialist determines the best course of treatment and discusses it with the patient. The options are varied and usually very efficient (almost all depression sufferers experience relief as a result of treatment) and they might include the prescription of ant-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs, continued talk therapy, cognitive and behavior therapy or the combination of all these methods.

Anti-depressant medication might have almost instant effects – these drugs improve the patient’s mood and ameliorate the physical symptoms of depression within 1-2 weeks of taking them. They are often used only for a short time, to help with the therapy process in the beginning, then the selected therapeutic approach takes over. Cognitive therapy has been found to be among the most efficient approaches – the method focuses on improving the patient’s abilities to cope with negative feelings as well as with stress as well as on transforming the patient’s way of thinking.

Depending on the severity of the depression, the treatment might take only a couple of weeks or it might last for years; so it’s important to search for a therapist near me to find someone close in proximity to where you live, until all the traumas and emotional issues that have led to the depression are revealed and coped with.

What Could a Home Health Care Person Do for You?

Alzheimer’s Home Care Services

Home care is one of those topics that not many people focus on. A home health care person will help you out with the problems you simply can’t deal with on your own due to physical incapacity or various disorders you might have, but that’s not the whole story. The best home health care experts can do so much more for you than what you might hear about in the mainstream media, often being able to help people get back on their feet from an accident or heal from a debilitating disorder.


The Need for a Home Health Care Person


So you might be dealing with a health problem like Alzheimer’s, or maybe you’re recovering from a serious car accident. Alternatively, it could be that you have a parent or grandparent who can no longer care for him- or herself, and you’d like to hire someone to help you out. In many cases, this task falls to family members who take time out of their busy schedule to stay with the person, or maybe a caring friend who has no problem spending some extra time around your house if you are in need.


The problem is that life is messy, and you can’t always rely on people to be there for you. This is why a professional Alzheimers care Denver area home health care person or nurse might be required. They can usually take care of any chore that you can’t do yourself, or help you with medical emergencies and taking your medicine when you need to. Although some of these people do have a medical background, that’s not always necessary, and you can often find dependable home health care personnel for a much more affordable fee than you’d pay for a qualified nurse.


What Can a Home Care Person Do for You?


Home health care individuals can be very good at a lot of things and tasks, going well beyond what most people know about their abilities. Here is a short list of what they can truly do for you:


  • First of all, a home health care professional can handle those chores and tasks that you can’t do yourself. They can help you with everything from cooking and cleaning to getting dressed, taking your bath or driving to your daughter’s house.
  • Medication management is very important, especially if you suffer from something like diabetes or heart disease. They can assist you with taking all your medicine according to your prescription and getting the right dosage each time.
  • Should you need support with diet and nutrition, a home health care person can provide you with that, so you won’t need to call your nutritionist each time you have a question. They will know which foods you should avoid and provide you with advice on how to prepare healthy dishes for better nutrition.
  • Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if you need one-on-one care and if you want someone caring and kind by your side, home health care professionals will help comfort and support you in your time of need.


In many cases, simply having access to the care and soothing comfort of a home care professional can help speed up the healing or recovery process, especially if, aside from your main problems, you also suffer from severe depression and anxiety.
