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Non-Invasive Treatment for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be dealt with by means of non-invasive treatments such as: physical therapy, bracing (that offers stability to the joint), pain medication, injections, infusions and lifestyle adjustments. In case of arthritis, anti-inflammatory drugs and ice can also be used. The former reduce the amount of swelling while the latter reduces stiffness in joints and post-exercise swelling. Nevertheless, neither can completely cure arthritis which causes pain, discomfort and immobility. It is an autoimmune condition usually characterized by swelling in the joints and cartilage damage as a result of inflammatory enzymes released into the body.

Phoenix knee pain treatment

The Latest Treatments

Moreover, the latest treatments include: genicular nerve block, ablation by means of injection and disruption of the pain signals from the nerves around the knee. Genicular artery embolization (GAE) is the most popular one due to its effectiveness and safety level. The duration of this medical procedure is less than two hours and the recovery period is shorter than what is necessary for open surgery. During the procedure, a catheter is directed from the groin to the knee’s blood vessels and small particles are injected to block the blood supply and reduce the inflammatory markers that trigger pain signals. Post-operative observation is kept to a minimum and motion is improved within weeks. Ultimately, GAE can be combined with injections to maximize the effect. Steroid injections can be used monthly and other types of anti-inflammatory injections (such as lubricants) can be administered twice a year. The patient can also benefit from knee gel injections (if covered by insurance). These are hyaluronic acid injections and they perform quite nicely when administered on a regular basis.

Strategies for Knee Injuries

For knee injuries, Phoenix knee pain treatment specialists recommend: weight loss, occupational and physical therapy or other strategies such as combined use of heat and ice or electrical nerve stimulation. Physical therapy, for instance, increases blood flow to the knee as well as the strength of the muscles supporting the knee and limiting its pain. It also stretches the muscles and maintains proper alignment of the joint in order to reduce pain.

Alternative Treatments

Alternative treatments include: artificial cartilage, laser therapy, stem cell treatment and PRP therapy. Therefore, patients can benefit from hydrogels that become a cartilage substitute or laser therapy that is not considered experimental by insurance companies. They can also benefit from stem cells harvested from their own bone marrow and programmed to form new cartilage to replace the damaged one. Lastly, injections with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) consist of platelets taken from the patient’s own blood and, then, spun and separated to have specific parts injected into the knee.


Alternative and even experimental treatments for knee pain are often highly effective, which is why patients can be very optimistic regarding the results of these therapies or procedures. Even though some of them are expensive and rarely covered by medical insurance, there are many options to choose from. There are also payment plans put into place for patients to access once they have done their diligent research. The main factor in alleviating pain is patience to find the type of treatment that will work for you and that you feel comfortable with choosing.

What Are Common Venous Issues Among Men?

PAD specialist near me

Circulatory problems and venous problems affect both men and women, the most common risk factors for both sexes being heredity, lifestyle and age. Here are some of the most common issues that affect the body’s veins and arteries in men.

Blood Clots and Thrombosis

Blood clots form when the blood in a vein or an artery thickens for some reason, usually because of an injury or because of a condition that affects the blood vessel’s elasticity and diameter. The formation of blood clots can affect any blood vessel, but the areas most commonly affected are the arteries that lead to the kidneys, the lungs, the heart and the brain and the major blood vessels that lead to the limbs, especially to the legs.

Thrombosis is a condition related to blood clots, too, a problem that occurs when a blood clot blocks the blood flow through the affected blood vessel either partially or temporarily. Depending on the affected blood vessel, thrombosis can be deep vein thrombosis that affects the extremities or the arteries leading to the body’s major organs or superficial thrombosis, affecting the veins close to the skin surface. According to a PAD specialist near me, while superficial thrombosis rarely leads to life-threatening conditions, deep vein thrombosis needs treatment right away to prevent severe health risks, such as pulmonary embolism, renal insufficiency, stroke or heart attack. Both types of thrombosis cause pain, swelling and heat in the affected area.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

The condition is slightly more common in men than in women and it is characterized by blood starting to pool instead of flowing from the limbs back toward the heart. The problem is most commonly caused by blood clots, posing a higher risk for those who have previously had deep vein thrombosis. In most cases, the symptoms develop gradually, over time and include muscle cramps, leg swelling, skin discoloration in the affected area, varicose veins and pain.

Varicose Veins

Many people think that varicose veins are more common in women, but that is only because in women, the problem affects the surface veins more, which makes the issue more visible. The truth is that men are just as affected by varicose veins as women, with the causes of the issue being the same, too: hereditary factors and physical effort, such as walking or standing too much. Varicose veins are very often just a cosmetic issue, but in more severe cases, the problem can cause pain, muscle cramping, swelling of the lower legs and itching around the affected veins.

Leg Ulcers

Leg ulcers are wounds that appear as the result of an injury or because of fluid build-up caused by poor vein function and that are unable to heal because of insufficient blood circulation in the affected area. Usually developing under the knee, leg ulcers tend to grow over time and even if they heal over time, they tend to come back again. Leg ulcers being open wounds, they pose an increased risk of getting infected, case in which the treatment and the healing becomes even more difficult and even lengthier.


What Is Y90 Radioembolization?

Y90 procedure

A diagnosis of cancer is definitely the worst news one can get from the doctor. It is made even worse if the tumor is inoperable or poses special difficulties to traditional treatments, such as radiation therapy. Fortunately, modern technology has evolved in amazing ways and its role is to improve healthcare and give patients the option of a longer life and improved quality of life.

For patients suffering from liver cancer, the latest treatment available is called Y90 radioembolization.

What Exactly Is Y90 Radioembolization?

This Y90 procedure combines two types of treatments. First, we are talking about embolization. This modern medical procedure is minimally invasive. Instead of surgery, the doctor (called an interventional radiologist) will make a small incision to guide a hollow tube (a catheter) through the veins, using a MRI or other imaging technology to see inside the body.

The catheter delivers tiny particles that obstruct the blood flow to a certain area of the body, in this case the cancerous growth. In the case of Y90 radioembolization, these particles are microspheres filled with the radioactive isotope yttrium Y90. It delivers a powerful dose of radiation specifically to the tumor, without harming the healthy tissue around it.

Thus, Y90 radioembolization is an effective treatment course for liver cancer, when surgery to remove the tumor is not an option.

How to Prepare for Y90 Radioembolization?

If your doctor decides that you are eligible for the Y90 procedure, you will have to follow specific instructions. Among these:

  • Stopping any treatment with NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), blood thinners and aspirin a few days prior to the procedure
  • Removing all jewelry (including metallic piercings) before going to the hospital to have your procedure
  • Telling your doctor if you have allergies, are pregnant or breastfeeding and whether you had recent illnesses or have preexisting conditions
  • Listing any kind of supplements you are currently taking (including holistic and herbal cures).

At the same time, you will need to have someone drive you back home from the hospital after the procedure. You will also be instructed to restrict all contact with anyone (children and adults) for 3 to 7 days after the procedure.

What Happens during Y90 Radioembolization?

The interventional radiologist will start by performing an arteriogram – an image of your veins in the upper abdominal area. Next, an IV line will be inserted into a vein in your hand to deliver anesthetic. While some patients require general anesthesia, in most cases you will not need a breathing tube. Once you are anesthetized, the doctor will sterilize the area of your body where the incision will be performed and numb it with a local anesthetic.

Next, a small incision is made and a catheter is inserted in it, guiding it to the right place using the arteriogram for reference. Once the catheter is properly positioned, the doctor will inject the Y90 loaded microsphere. The radiation will be released towards the tumor during the next 2 weeks.

The doctor will remove the catheter and apply pressure to stop the bleeding at the incision area and apply a dressing. The procedure is over and it usually lasts one hour or less.

Examining the Risks and Dangers Involved with the Onset of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can involve a lot of risks you might not know about. Although most people dismiss it as a mere set of quick episodes that usually result in falling back to sleep and then sleeping through the rest of the night without a problem, the possible complications of the disorder and long term development of more dangerous forms of sleep apnea can be quite debilitating and scary at times.

Knowing about these potential issues is important, since it will give you a fighting chance to prevent them and to live a more normal and empowered life, even if you did start out with a relatively serious form of sleep apnea to begin with. You will want to discuss snoring treatment and other solutions to sleep disruptions with a sleep specialist as soon as possible.

Possible Complications of Sleep Apnea

As you might already have read, sleep apnea comes with a great many risks. Sometimes it can lead to prolonged episodes where the patient stops breathing entirely during sleep, or their airways are blocked and they can’t get a single breath out for an extensive amount of time. As opposed to the short episodes that don’t even wake the person up, these can have far more dire ramifications.

For starters, the obstruction of your airways can lead to lowering your levels of oxygen and causing problems with your heart and cardiovascular system. Elevated blood pressure and a greater risk of stroke and heart attack can ensue, along with the long term side effect of developing a disorder such as diabetes, heart failure or irregular heartbeat. Liver-related problems such as various fatty liver diseases could also appear, along with the risk of developing obesity. Finally, even milder forms of OSA can sometimes lead to death, if your oxygen levels are too low.

The Risks of Central Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea is far more dangerous than OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) for a variety of reasons. First of all, CSA results not from blocked airways, but from a failure of the respiratory system to comply with the brain’s signals to inhale. Even though the normal signal to inhale exists, in the case of patients suffering from CSA, the neurological feedback system that’s supposed to trigger the brain’s signals doesn’t respond fast enough, and the result is often the inability to inhale for a certain period of time, during sleep.

If these episodes last long enough, the result can quickly become critical, both because of the lack of oxygen being delivered to the body’s vital organs, and because of the combination of sleep apnea and the presence of other disorders such as epilepsy, in which case seizures can often be triggered by CSA episodes.

In some extreme cases, central sleep apnea can even be lethal. While seizures and cardiovascular events don’t always have lasting effects, and the onset of a disease like diabetes, which can arise from the presence of sleep apnea, is still not necessarily a huge problem, the most important issue arises when the patient is in danger of experiencing sudden death because of sleep apnea. The danger of sudden death arising from CSA is greater than in the case of OSA because of the main cause of the disorder.

Treatments for Low Testosterone

Tips To Check For Hormone ImbalanceTestosterone is a hormone secreted by the bodies of both men and women, but the female body normally produces it in very small quantities, while in the male body, it is among the most important hormones, responsible for male characteristics, such as body hair, bone mass, muscle bulk and physical strength.  Women can have their levels checked by a hormone replacement therapy Denver doctor to make sure all is in balance.

Testosterone levels in the male body are not constant throughout life – after the age of 30, the body starts secreting less and less of the hormone (the decrease is usually around 1% per year). The natural process can go unnoticed by some men, but it can cause uncomfortable symptoms for others, prompting them to look for treatment options that could bring their testosterone levels back to where they used to be.

The Symptoms and the Causes of Low Testosterone

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the body’s male characteristics as well as for the sex drive, but the symptoms of low-T can affects various other bodily functions as well:

  • Sleep patterns – low-T can cause insomnia as well as fatigue and people suffering from sleep apnoea can also notice an aggravation of their condition as their testosterone levels decrease;
  • Reduced sex drive and sexual dysfunction;
  • Weight gain, the loss of body mass as well as the loss of physical strength;
  • Infertility;
  • Emotional changes, including mood swings, decreased motivation and depression.

Besides aging, low testosterone can be caused by various underlying physical conditions and lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, infections, liver and kidney affections and medications can all decrease testosterone levels.

Treatment Options for Low Testosterone and Possible Side Effects

The symptoms of low testosterone can be easily mistaken for the symptoms of other conditions, therefore the first step towards finding the best solution is thorough medical testing that includes not only a discussion of the symptoms, but blood tests as well. If the doctor concludes that the patient’s symptoms are caused by low-T, indeed, there are various treatment options available:

  • Skin patches – the patches that contain testosterone need to be applied once a day;
  • Gels – these products usually come in the form of single-application packages and are applied directly on the skin;
  • Injections – an efficient, though slightly uncomfortable form;
  • Pellets – they are implanted underneath the skin, where they release their testosterone content gradually.

Like any hormone treatment, testosterone treatment can also have side effects, including the following:

  • The stimulation of prostate growth;
  • Skin problems, such as adult acne;
  • The risk of developing heart problems caused by testosterone-related over-production of red blood cells;
  • Testicle shrinkage.

Lifestyle Changes that Can Boost Testosterone Levels

In some cases, one of the causes that lead to the development of low-T is the patient’s lifestyle, which also means that lifestyle changes can significantly improve the condition. Staying physically active will help maintain muscle mass and will improve sleep patterns as well as emotional affections, while a healthy, balanced diet, rich in healthy proteins coming from fish and lean meat, rich in fibers coming from fruits and vegetables as well as in healthy carbs coming from wholegrain foods will help maintain energy levels and will also ensure healthy body weight.

Why Choosing Invisalign Instead of Common Braces Is a Much Wiser Choice

When braces are hard to deal with, choosing Invisalign as an alternative solution seems to do the trick. If you’re looking for clear, high quality, low-maintenance aligners that you can use on a regular basis without needing to worry about breaking them or injuring yourself, Invisalign offers you the most impressive benefits of all.

Why Wearing Braces Is No Longer Preferred

back to back smilingIf you ask a teenager, wearing braces is not necessarily a preferred thing. Most teens will frown at the idea because of the striking appearance of most metal and ceramic braces, which makes them undesirable. Photographs, social gatherings, parties and just about everything that has to do with interacting with others can be impaired as a result of using braces.

Another reason why neither teens nor adults like wearing regular braces is because they can be hard to bear. Aside from being uncomfortable, braces are also potentially dangerous and harmful. The brackets and wires they feature can break apart or come loose, affecting your gums and soft tissue.

Invisalign as an Alternative to Regular Braces

So what’s so special about choosing Invisalign for yourself or your teen? First of all, it’s important to note that Invisalign is much faster than regular braces. Efficiency and practical results are the most important aspects to keep track of when it comes to braces or aligners, so the fact that you get 50% faster results with Invisalign than with normal metallic braces is definitely impressive.

Another reason why Invisalign is so awesome is that it fits perfectly. With Invisalign you can rest assured that you’ll get a perfectly comfortable feel, and that the aligners won’t slip away or move around at all. They fit snugly, and they are even easier to use than the most expensive aligners. The aligners are designed using advanced computer technology and state-of-the-art 3D printing. This ensures not only the highest level of design accuracy but also effectively takes any mistakes or other problems out of the picture.

There are also a lot of convenience-related benefits associated with Invisalign. For example, you don’t have to worry about what you eat. In fact, with Invisalign you’ll have to eat more comfortably since you have an added layer of protection for your teeth. That’s no excuse to ignore your oral hygiene, of course, but at the same time, Invisalign makes that aspect much easier than before as well.

Finally, with Invisalign you won’t have to pay as many visits to your orthodontist. When it comes to regular braces, you might have to consider going to your dentist more often to ask for tips and recommendations. Since you have multiple invisible aligners that you’ll simply have to replace as time goes by and your teeth become increasingly aligned, there won’t be any loose components or wires that your dentist will have to tighten. Invisalign patients still need to pay occasional visits to the orthodontist, but they don’t have to do it as often.

You’ll find that choosing Invisalign can be an amazing option in the long run. Just check it out with you favorite Lone Tree dental professional, and you’ll find the aligners will surprise you with their remarkable construction and practical benefits.

Affordable Fees for a Good Orthodontist – Loveland CO Support and Cost Details

If you’re interested in finding a good orthodontist, Loveland CO experts will draw your attention to the costs quite early on in your search. This is primarily because the expenses associated with orthodontics experts can be quite high in general. Fortunately, Colorado experts – especially Loveland dentists – can often help you find a more affordable and practical solution to any problem relating to modern orthodontics.

The Cost of Braces Today vs. the 1980s

In the 1980s, braces used to cost an average of about $2,000. When accounting for inflation, translating that amount into the dollars we use today will leave us with a price of more than $5,000. This is typically pretty accurate when it comes to considering the lower end of the cost requirements for braces today, since prices can range between $3,500 and $10,000.

However, many things have changed with the advent of new technology and the creation of new and improved braces that are far superior to those used three decades ago. Also, since there are a lot more dentists today than there were back then, you can expect a greater difference to exist between the costs that different orthodontists charge for the same type of brace. As a result, you also have to be more careful when it comes to researching the best quality braces on the market and making sure your orthodontist offers you a fair enough deal.

Fortunately, with the help of the internet, it’s easier than ever to research for the best orthodontist Loveland CO has to offer. Moreover, some orthodontists will be able to provide you with an advantageous payment plan geared to reduce some of the pressure of paying the whole amount upfront and to even help you save some money on your purchase.

As an added bonus, there are orthodontists who offer interest-free payments and provide you with the opportunity of paying through a financing solution facilitated by your bank.

Which Types of Braces Are You Looking to Buy?

back to back smilingIt’s highly essential to choose the right types of braces according to your needs and budget. The costs of braces can vary greatly depending on what they are made of and the benefits they offer.

Metal braces are the most common variety you’ll get for your money. Most orthodontists will provide you with these traditional types of braces at a fair price, and they can be a great solution if you’re on a lower budget. You can usually get these products for a price as low as $3,000, and on the high end, they only cost $7,000 at most.

Ceramic braces are the cheapest lightweight and practical alternative to traditional metal braces. These are more appealing, because they use colored or clear brackets instead of metal wires, which makes them the more fashionable choice for teens. A ceramic brace product can cost between $4,000 and $8,500.

Finally, lingual braces are your best option for keeping your braces hidden. They are the most expensive types of braces, with prices going up to $10k in some cases, but come insurance providers can still cover the cost. In either case, you are likely to get the best offers with the support and advice of the friendliest and most reliable orthodontist Loveland CO is home to.
