Methods for Keeping Teeth Healthy as Long as Possible

dental hygieneBrushing is undeniably among the most important methods for keeping teeth healthy as long as possible, but it is not the only thing that you should do for your teeth – here are some more.

Combine Brushing with Flossing

Brushing is essential for keeping your teeth healthy, but unfortunately it is not enough. You should brush your teeth for 3-5 minutes, two times a day, with a round-headed, medium brush to clean efficiently in the back of mouth as well and you should also floss your teeth once a day to remove the tiny food particles trapped in the small space between the teeth that cannot be removed by brushing alone.

Use an Anti-bacterial Mouthwash

Finish tooth cleaning in the morning and in the evening with a thorough rinse, first with water, then with an anti-bacterial mouthwash. Mouthwashes remove even microscopic bacterial and food residues and they also clean the palate, the tongue and the back of the mouth.

Limit Your Sugar Intake

Sugar is the most common cause of tooth decay. Whenever we eat or drink something sweet, the sugar prompts the bacteria naturally occurring in our mouths to produce acids that settle on the teeth and start decomposing the enamel that makes up the surface of the tooth. The acids cause tiny holes to form in the enamel, holes that become larger and deeper over time and turn into visible cavities.

Consume Foods that Promote Saliva Production

One of the roles of the saliva produced by the glands in our mouths is to flush the bacteria and the food particles that accumulate in the mouth. To make sure that the saliva-producing glands in your mouth function properly, you should consume plenty of foods that make the glands function properly, such as apples, celery and other fruits and vegetables that are rich in fibers.

Consume Foods that Are Rich in Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the composition of tooth, calcium deficiency being among the most frequent causes of tooth decay in the case of people who otherwise maintain a good oral cleaning routine. You can replenish your calcium supplies by consuming lots of dairy products and you can also help your teeth stay healthy by adding calcium to your diet in the form of food supplements.

Regular Visits to the Dentist

Visiting your dentist Littleton CO specialist every six months even if you don’t have any visible or noticeable dental problems is essential for keeping your teeth healthy. Dentists are trained to find dental problems that are still in early stages, such as gum inflammations that don’t cause any discomfort yet or dental cavities that are only slightly visible and dental problems in these early phases are very easy to treat and to cure.

If you notice or experience any dental problems such as spots on your teeth or red gums, between regular dental appointments, call your doctor at once.

Keeping teeth healthy as long as possible is important for your general and for your self-confidence as well – try to put the above tips in practice and your teeth will stay healthy and beautiful for a long time.